An interesting few months....
Well, it’s been an interesting few months but we are still making hats and incredibly grateful to all our wonderful clients that are keeping us in business right now. Every sale counts, not just to keep the lights on but for the creative outlet that hat’s has always given me. It’s become even more important and every hat I’ve made lately has a little “extra” in there because, there is no time like the present. In adapting to this new world, our Shopify site has grown and been a really convenient source to purchase hats. My actual studio space is so small it is currently remaining closed while we figure out the safest way to have people back in there. I have derby hats up, headbands, summer hats, etc. ready to be sent to your heads. Speaking of the derby, the rescheduled one is getting closer by the day. Feel free too reach out via email or text with outfit ideas and I can send back hat ideas. Contact info:
Documentation of the last few months from home!